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Solo Event Chair

The Solo Event Chair is the lead organizer for an autocross. The Event Chair creates the event budget that estimates how much revenue the event will generate vs. the expenses needed to put on the event, recruits the core event volunteers to run the event the day of, and prepares the post-event reports to the Board of Directors and the National Office.

Before the event:

  1. Submitting the event budget to the Solo Director or presenting the event budget to the Board of Directors
  2. Recruiting core event volunteers to run the event

During the event:

  1. Ensure that the core event volunteers are present and perform their assigned duties
  2. Assist with any event challenges that come up (either with volunteer roles or any issues with the event site)

After the event:

  1. Record all expenses for the event, spent either by the Event Chair or any of the volunteers for the day
  2. Submit check requests to reimburse spending by volunteers
  3. Submit check requests to pay site owners and vendor expenses
  4. Submit the Event Audit (# of competitors that ran the event) within two weeks after the event finish
soloeventchair.txt · Last modified: 2023/02/06 19:26 by jleez